The vulnerable status of the orphans forced most of these children to live on streets begging for food and money. To us, it was heartbreaking to observe the destitute life of these children, exposure to Sexual and Economic exploitation, hunger, lack of education, medical care and destined to a life of poverty and misery. Even though our Vision is to assist Orphans, periodically we are obligated to accommodate abused and abandoned Children rescued through the CCO’office, Police or Community.

Our priority is to ensure that all Children have secure Shelter, Food, Health, Education and enjoy a quality life. Above all, we ensure Children’s rights are protected as contained in the children’s Act Cap 586 Laws of Kenya. Our key objectives to guide the Management accomplish Place of Grace’s Vision and Mission to guarantee quality life for the Children are :

  • Provide them with an adequate diet with a minimum of three (3) Meals daily
  • Ensure Cooking fuel and portable water is availed.
  • Establish a secure Shelter, adequate space and privacy for each child.
  • Ensure all necessary facilities such as kitchen, Bathroom, and Toilet are accessible.
  • Maintain a Hygienic environment.
  • Provide clothing, Parental and Spiritual guidance.
  • Provide quality Primary and Secondary Education for the Children, Technical and Professional Training to ensure they have sustainable Livelihood.
  • Provide Children with good Medical care and Hygienic environment.
  • Ensure Children are protected from any form of Abuse, Discrimination, Slavery, Cruelty, Protected from sexual and economic exploitation, and from use or trafficking harmful substances.
  • Furnish the Home with necessary Furniture, Educational Tools, Equipment and Recreational facilities.
  • Establish efficient Management, in Logistics, Communication, and Human Resources.
  • Develop sustainable Resources mobilization activities and Subsistence Farming at the home


The criteria and priority for Children’s admission at Place of Grace is as follows:- Children should be aged three (3) years to seven (7)years and he/she must be a genuine orphan and destitute. Place of Grace will occasionally consider temporary admission of ‘Abuse Cases’ that require shelter and protection, provided that such cases are referred to the institution by thence. There shall be no bias based on Religion, Ethnic or Political affiliation of the Child relatives.


Place of Grace undertakes the basic needs of each child with support from friends, Well-wishers, and sponsors. The overall cost to cover the basic needs of one child per year is $1048 USD. This budget includes Education cost in a day school, Hygiene supplies, Food and running cost at the home. Education Sponsor, annual Cost per Child is USD 500 per child. Maintenance and Food, annual Cost per USD 400.